‘REFLECT’ is a new body of work by Chelsea Davine that encompasses both meanings of the word: physical reflection and metaphorical reflection. Her paintings reflect her daily life from walking around Barcelona the beautiful Catalan city and its hills that surround it to the forests of the Pyrenees and the coastline of the ‘Costa Brava’. As she watches the Seasons change, she captures the beauty of the first snowfalls in Winter, the blossoms of Spring to the deep cadmium reds and burnt oranges of high Summer and Autumn’s sienna and golden browns. The pieces are primarily on canvas with oil and gold, silver and copper leaf or on black cold pressed steel. Thin washes or ‘velos’ are applied and suspend the leaf that reflects back the light from their surroundings. They glow and subtly change as the daylight changes. As Chelsea immerses herself in her studio surrounded by materials, sketches and photographs she takes time to reflect on her life bringing in her thoughts and memories as inspiration for her artwork. Her elegant artwork invites you to take time, pause and reflect.