4 sesiones de 2h/sesión (total: 120€)
Las sesiones pueden ser individual, o en grupos de hasta 6 personas
*Podrás incorporarte en cualquier momento. Incluye materiales basicos.
Escríbenos especificando la clase y horario en el que estas interesdo para reservar tu plaza. +34 679285078
Grupos: Art & Wine
Los jueves, viernes y sabados, por la tarde/noche, el taller esta disponible para realizar clases de “Art & Wine” en grupo, para celebrar un cumpleaños, una actividad entre amigos, o compañeros de trabajo, etc. Consiste en una clase divertida, sociable, y con mucho vino ;)
*Precio a convenir
Escríbenos explicando el tipo de taller y fecha en la que estás interesado/a. +34 679285078
Have you ever been interested in starting to paint or even just start making a mark? I know it can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be. There is something therapeutic about learning a new skill or rediscovering a love of being creative. I am opening my studio up to anyone who wants to come and share my space. The timetable is flexible and the classes can be geared to small intimate groups, individuals or a large group looking to connect through an experience. I will explore differing themes such as Introduction to Abstraction, Lose the fear and paint! Maybe you have already started and need a space to explore your own practice? If you are a group of friends or a business then I also organize ‘Painting with Wine’ evenings. Classes can be bought in a pack and includes basic materials to start or a closed quote for a group.
Horario de Classes